Culinary Lavender – 3 T.


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Our culinary lavender is grown with care on our farm in Newport, Maine.

We grow all of our lavender without the use of chemicals – fertilizers or pesticides. It’s harvested by hand when the buds are just right and then hung to dry. After drying we strip and double sift the lavender flower buds.

Size: 1 3/4 ” x 1 3/4″

Decorative, reusable jar contains 3 T. of organic lavender buds, ribbon may vary.

Use the buds whole or chopped to flavor muffins, scones, brownies, add to meat rubs, or use in teas. Our lavender when used in moderation will impart a lovely flavor. It also pairs well with lemon.

We love making lavender sugar with the buds and using in place of sugar in any recipe. Instructions for our lavender sugar is here. And this Chocolate Cookie recipe is one of my favorite lavender treats!



This lavender filled adorable jar makes a perfect gift.

Note – Some people are allergic to lavender. Check first before using this product.